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Klaps Immigration Consulting Inc.

Top-tier immigration and consulting services in Canada.


We provide Canadian visa and immigration consulting services. With highly qualified professionals and personalized service, our mission is to help our clients achieve their goal of studying, visiting, working or immigrating to Canada!

Klaps Immigration Consulting Inc. is located in Toronto, Ontario. We offer consulting services via Skype or in person at our office in Toronto.If your dream is to immigrate to Canada or live here temporarily, come and talk to us.

With hundred of aporoved cases, if your dream is to immigrate to Canada or live here temporarily, come and talk to us, we can help to make it happen.

Company specializing in applying for visas and permanent residency processes for Canada

Personalized consultations to enhance your chances of success

Team formed by professionals accredited by the
Canadian Government

Focused on advising and providing solutions for professionals, entrepreneurs and students looking to get to know Canada.

Juliana M. Klapouch, BA, RCIC

Juliana Klapouch, BA, RCIC is a regulated Canadian immigration consultant (RCIC) and director of Klaps Immigration.

As a member of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (lCCRC), Juliana is recognized by the Canadian government as an authorized representative and can deal directly with Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and with the Canada Border Agency Services (CBSA) on behalf of her clients. She can also represent, advise, or consult her clients' immigration processes with those government agencies.

Juliana holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a postgraduate certificate in Human Resources Management. She is Brazilian and Canadian citizen, has traveled extensively, and lived for a while in Germany. With over 5 years of Canadian immigration consulting experience, her focus is on helping international students and foreign professionals to make Canada their home.


Levando o pet para o Canadá!

Se você possui um cachorro ou gato e quer levá-lo para o Canadá com você, mas não sabe por onde começar, vou contar um pouco da nossa experiência que foi trazer um beagle de 1,5 ano do interior do Rio Grande do Norte, pra Kitchener, ON.


Do you have any doubt? Fill in the form below, we will contact you.

+1 416 218 1109

Available from 9:00 - 17:00

4711 Yonge Street, 10th Floor, M2N 6K8, Toronto – Canada
Visits by appointment only

en_CAEnglish (Canada)