
Using LinkedIn for Effective Networking

In the professional world, specific knowledge is essential in order to find a job, yet we cannot deny that knowing the right people, being in the right place at the right time, helps immensely. A professional network plays an important role in that part and it can be achieved by attending job fairs, participating in conferences and specially by growing your contact list through social media channels.

Although in-person interactions are great for creating a network, they are limited by the number of people and the time spent in such events. Social media, especially the ones tailored for the professional life, on the other hand, allows international professionals to expand their network not only in number of people but also geographically. Today, one of the most used and recognized platforms for professional networking is LinkedIn.

With more than 700 million members from 200 countries, LinkedIn is a very useful tool for international job hunting and is largely used in Canada. Having a profile that stands out allows professionals to expand their contacts, which in turn increases the chances of finding a job in a new country as an immigrant.

Have a Complete Profile

Just signing up for LinkedIn is not enough. Even adding some information may not be sufficient. For your profile to stand out, it needs to be not only complete, but also well-written. LinkedIn provides step-by-step instructions on which information to add. Choosing the right keywords and writing in a professional manner are as important as the information itself.

LinkedIn profiles meant to be used for job hunting in Canada would need to be written in English or French, depending on the province or territory intended. The choice of words can also be a crucial factor between an appealing and average profile. It is recommended to visit the profile of others in your industry as well as professionals that are successful in other areas. Getting inspiration from these profiles will help you while creating your own. For example, your professional title in your home country, if translated word-by-word, may not fit what is commonly used in Canada for the same activity. It is therefore, very important to be in line with the terms and wording used in Canada.

A LinkedIn profile is expected to be overall professional, from the information to the pictures within. The following list provides an overview of some of the important points to consider when creating a profile:

Professional and good quality profile picture: avoid pictures that are too casual, or pictures with others. If necessary, have a professional-taken picture.

Cover picture that reflects your profession: clearly stating your profession and location will help others understand in a glance what you do and where you are coming from.

Add your profession and location: declarar claramente sua profissão e localização ajudará outros a entender rapidamente o que você faz e de onde vem.

Add a summary of your achievements: similar to written resumés, it is convenient to summarize your achievements and projects so it can be grasped rapidly by the visitor. Any voluntary work is very appreciated in Canada, make sure to also include them.

Current position: provide your current position, translated properly to Canadian terms. If you are not holding any current position, be sure to add to your description what you intend to do. Several people only add what they have done, and neglect to add what they intend to do.

Make Connections

Starting your network is not easy. One way is to use your current email and phone contacts. LinkedIn allows you to submit connection invitations using your current contacts. Keeping connections with people that attended the same college or university, could help a focused networking in your professional area. Participating in group discussions is another great way to meet professionals in your industry and connect with them. Search interest groups and discussions within LinkedIn and subscribe to them. Engage in such conversations not only favors your network growth but also starts making your name to be known within the community.

The free usage of LinkedIn offers a limited search experience. Consider becoming a paid LinkedIn member, even for a short determined period of time. This will allow you to perform elaborated searches, for example, by titles. One of the most important connections that you can have while job-hunting is with recruiters, human resources representatives and talent hunters. Being able to search for those people and send connection invitations will prove extremely valuable in the short and long run.

Keeping the Connections Alive

Connections made in LinkedIn are not just towards the immediate next job, but they will be there to help you in future job opportunities as well. For that reason, as important as making new connections, is maintaining the existing ones.

Comment on your connections achievements. Send messages congratulating them for their new positions or successes. Submit interesting posts related to your industry or sharing cutting-edge information.

LinkedIn allows users to set the level of privacy in their profiles. Setting your options in such a way that modifications and profile updates are visible to your connections is an interesting way to remind others about yourself. From time to time, add something new to your profile, a new skill, a new language that you are learning or a new professional achievement. Your connections will be notified about your profile changes, therefore keeping your name and intentions alive in their minds. networkJust be mindful not to overdo it, otherwise it could have the opposite effect.


Similar to letters of recommendations, LinkedIn offers ways to current and former co-workers to write recommendations in your profile. Your contacts can do that voluntarily or you can ask for it. Either way, once the recommendation is written, you determine if it will be visible and public in your profile.

Normally, such recommendations are written by co-workers, under your supervision, team members or your supervisors. It is not common and not advised to have friends or family that are not in the same professional area writing such recommendations. This helps keep LinkedIn a profession-oriented platform and speaks about your own professionalism.

If a connection writes a recommendation for you, and you have positive comments about your connection, it is polite to return the gesture. Writing recommendations also helps your profile to stand out in searches.

Responsible Use

Like mentioned here before, LinkedIn is a professional network platform, and in such, any information, post, pictures made public should reflect that. It is your digital resumé and cover letter. It will dictate the first impression that other professionals and recruiters will have about you. Avoid mixing personal life and personal experiences with those with professional nature, unless they are related to your profession or you find that they can help you in finding jobs.

Like mentioned here before, LinkedIn is a professional network platform, and in such, any information, post, pictures made public should reflect that. It is your digital resumé and cover letter. It will dictate the first impression that other professionals and recruiters will have about you. Avoid mixing personal life and personal experiences with those with professional nature, unless they are related to your profession or you find that they can help you in finding jobs.

Being responsible online sounds cliches, but it is especially important while dealing with a professional profile that can determine the future of your career.


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