In this series of articles we will talk about the main provinces of Canada, covering demographic, economic and climatic aspects, among others.
Canada's most populous province, Ontario has almost 40% of the country's population living within its borders. Main destination for immigrants, it receives an average of 130,000 new residents each year. Ontario is the second largest province in territory, after Quebec, and home to the two most important cities in the country: Ottawa, the capital of Canada and Toronto, the largest city in Canada. About 85% of the population lives in urban areas close to the Great Lakes, such as the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) which is home to more than 6 million people.
Located in the central-eastern region of the country, the province of Ontario is part of Central Canada, along with Quebec. It is bordered by Manitoba to the west, Quebec to the east, the Hudson Bay and James Bay to the north, and the St. Lawrence River, the Great Lakes and the United States to the south. Most of its landscape is composed of rolling hills and plains areas.
Despite having well defined seasons, Ontario presents a variety of climates due to its extensive territory. The northern region, affected by cold air from the Arctic, has long, severe winters, and short, cool summers. In the southern region, with the influence of the air coming from the Great Lakes, it presents hot and humid summers and cold winters. Toronto has an average temperature of 27 °C in summer and -7 °C in winter.
English is Ontario's official language, though there are several French-speaking communities across the province. French language rights have been extended to the province’s legal and educational systems. Government services are provided in English and French in many regions across the province.
Com a economia bem diversificada, Ontário produz 37% do PIB nacional e emprega mais da metade dos profissionais de IT e do setor financeiro. Toronto, que é a capital da província, se destaca pelo setor financeiro e a região de Kitchener e Waterloo abriga grandes empresas do setor de tecnologia como a Blackberry e a Google. O setor automotivo na província é o mais significativo da América do Norte, e conta com fábricas de grandes marcas como Ford, General Motors, Honda entre outras. O setor de produção de filmes e televisão também tem crescido nos últimos anos, com várias produções de destaque mundial sendo realizadas na província.
The school year in Canada starts in September and ends in June, with the months of July and August being the summer break. Like many other aspects of the country, it is the responsibility of the provinces to monitor and regulate education. In Ontario, Canadian citizens, permanent residents and children of international students between 4 and 18 years old can attend public schools, as long as certain requirements are met. Education is offered in English and French, and many schools also offer support for children who do not speak the official languages.
In addition to the immigration process offered by the federal government, it is also possible to choose one of the Provincial Nominee ProgramsProvincial Nominee Programs – PNP. Ontario offers the OINP (Ontario Immigration Nominee Program), which nominates qualified candidates, who have skills that the province's economy needs, to apply for permanent residence. In general, qualified professionals, international students and entrepreneurs who meet the necessary requirements, can apply for OINP.
Ontário tem várias atrações turísticas, como a CN Tower em Toronto, as famosas cataratas de Niagara Falls e o Parlamento na capital Ottawa. Para quem gosta de atividades ao ar livre, Ontário possui vários parques, rios, lagos e cachoeiras. O Parque Provincial do Algonquin, as 1000 Ilhas e as muitas quedas d’água na região de Hamilton são ótimos exemplos de sua rica natureza.
Urban centers are also full of cultural opportunities. The Royal Ontario Museum is the largest and National Gallery of Canada are a must see. Due to multiculturalism, Toronto is a great place where one can easily find culinary from all around the world.
For more information about Ontario visit and
By Janayna Sercheli
If you wish to immigrate to Ontario, contact Klaps Immigration Consulting for more information on immigration processes.
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