Located on the Atlantic coast New Brunswick has a population of around 780,000 people and 72,000 km22 de área, o que a torna uma das menores e menos povoadas províncias do Canadá. Foi uma das primeiras províncias, junto com Ontário, Quebec e Nova Escócia, a se unir para formar o “Domínio do Canadá” em 1867. Em 2019, New Brunswick had a record-breaking of 6,000 new permanent residents settle in the province, a 30 per cent increase from the previous year. The most important cities in New Brunswick are Fredericton, the province’s capital, Moncton and Saint John, the largest cities in the province.
The largest of the three Maritimes Maritime provinces (that also includes Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island), New Brunswick is bordered by Quebec to the north, the Bay of Fundy to the south, Nova Scotia and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence to the east, and the United States to the west. About 80 per cent of the province is forested and its northern half is occupied by the Appalachians Mountain range, which has created river valleys and low rolling hills. The remaining portion of the province consists of agricultural land and urban areas, with major cities located in the south of the province.
Due to its geography, New Brunswick climate is more severe than the other Maritime provinces, which are lower and have more shoreline. It has a humid continental climate, with clearly distinguishable seasons. Winters are snowy and cold, and summers are mild and pleasant. Fredericton has an average temperature of 19 °C in summer and -10 °C in winter, but temperatures can also range from an extreme low of −37 °C to an extreme high of 37 °C.
English and French are the official languages in New Brunswick, making it the only officially bilingual province in Canada. About 30 percent of the population speaks English and French. Education, government and public services are available in both languages.
New Brunswick has a resource-based economy dependent largely on forestry, mining, and fishing. Tourism, agriculture, small-scale manufacturing, and a growing service sector is also significant in the province. The bilingual workforce present in the province have attracted a telemarketing industry with call centers in several towns and cities. There is also a growing IT sector in several cities, including Fredericton and Saint John.
The school year in Canada starts in September and ends in June, with the months of July and August being the summer break. Like many other aspects of the country, it is the responsibility of the provinces to monitor and regulate education. In New BrunswickCanadian citizens, permanent and temporary residents have access to free education from Kindergarten to Grade 12, starting at 5 years old, as long as certain requirements are met. The province has a separate system for education in English and French.
New Brunswick has four public universities. The University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, founded in 1785, is the oldest English-language university in Canada and is the province's largest university, while Université de Moncton is the largest French-language institution outside of the province of Quebec.
In addition to the immigration process offered by the federal governmentProvincial Nominee Programs – PNP) to immigrate to Canada. New Brunswick offers the New Brunswick (Provincial Nominee Program – NBPNP), which nominates internationally trained and experienced workers who have the skills needed to contribute to the province’s economy for permanent residence. In general, recent graduates and skilled workers who meet the necessary requirements and have an offer of employment, can apply for the NBPNP.
In 2017, the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program – (AIPP) was created to address labour shortages in Atlantic Canada, allowing eligible employers to hire foreign-trained workers and international graduates. Due to its success, the pilot is now a permanent program.
There are about 61 historic places in New Brunswick, including Fort Beauséjour,, o assentamento histórico de Kings Landing Historical Settlement and the Village Acadien. The New Brunswick , established in 1842 in Saint John, was designated as the provincial museum.
A bela paisagem de New Brunswick ’s beautiful landscape has attracted thousands of tourists each year. The most popular destinations include the Hopewell Rocks, Parque Nacional de Fundy, Magnetic Hill, Parque Nacional Kouchibouguac e o Parque Internacional Roosevelt Campobello.
A number of festivals to celebrate the multicultural population happen in the small towns. Canada's Irish Festival on the Miramichi is one of the annual highlights in the province.
For more information about New Brunswick visit www.gnb.ca and tourismnewbrunswick.ca
By Janayna Sercheli
If you wish to immigrate to New Brunswick, contact Klaps Immigration Consulting for more information on immigration processes.
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