A partir de 16 de novembro de 2022, a imigração canadense – IRCC – fará a transição para a versão de 2021 da Classificação Ocupacional Nacional (NOC). Isso significa que a atual estrutura de tipo e níveis de habilidade do NOC 2016 (NOC 0, A, B, C e D) será substituída por um sistema de 6 categorias representando o treinamento, educação, experiência e responsabilidades (TEER) necessários para trabalhar em uma ocupação.
From then on, the 4-digit occupation codes will become 5-digit codes. Programs that used the NOC skill type or levels will now use TEER categories, and the eligibility criteria for all programs that use the NOC will be updated.
New TEER categories
Skill type or level | TEER category |
Skill type 0 | TEER 0 |
Skill level A | TEER 1 |
Skill level B | TEER 2 and TEER 3 |
Skill level C | TEER 4 |
Skill level D | TEER 5 |
Categorias TEER e exemplos de ocupações:
TEER | Occupation types | Examples |
TEER 0 | Management occupations | Advertising, marketing and public relations managers Financial managers |
TEER 1 | Occupations that usually require a university degree | Financial advisors Software engineers |
TEER 2 | Occupations that usually require a college diploma apprenticeship training of 2 or more years, or supervisory occupations | Computer network and web technicians Medical laboratory technologists |
TEER 3 | Ocupações que geralmente requerem diploma universitário/ de collegeformação profissional/treinamento inferior a 2 anos, oumais de 6 meses de experiência de trabalho | Bakers Dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants |
TEER 4 | Occupations that usually require a high school diploma, or several weeks of on-the-job training | Home child care providers Retail salespersons and visual merchandisers |
TEER 5 | Occupations that usually need short-term work demonstration and no formal education | Landscaping and grounds maintenance labourers Delivery service drivers and door-to-door distributors |
Program that will be affected by these changes:
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